Cherry Creek Time Trial - Race #7 - Series Final
Race #7 - The last of the cherry creek time trial series: Today was another beautiful day to ride. Things started off a little hectic for me even before the race. I didn't get off work until late, so I had to ride at break-neck speed from my house to the start line. I barely made it. The race started with a nice headwind and I was only able to maintain about 20-21 mph on the way out. For once the wind did not change directions, so I was able to make about 29-30 mph the last few miles. Came in with at time of 26:44 which wasn't my best or my worst time, but came in 37th overall - my worst placement of the series (let's see, what kind of excuses can I come up with....I donated blood last week, didn't have a clean shaving so probably added drag, tires may not have been properly inflated, or I just didn't go hard enough?.....Okay so maybe excuses really don't mean anything. I guess the motto should be RACE HARD, you will have good days and great days....But there is no such thing as a bad day on the bike!).
Dugan, who did some secret underwater ninja training while in Italy, came in with a great time of 26:23 and 31st place.
I was unable to finish in the top 20 the entire series, so I did not score any points....But I did have a lot of fun and will pencil in this series again for next season.
My stats for the day:
Temp: 80 degrees with sun and wind
Altitude: 5410
Lap Time: 26min 44sec
Distance: 10.5 miles
Avg Speed: 23.4 mph
Max Speed: 34 mph
Cadence Avg: 82 rpm
Cadence Max: 101 rpm
Avg Min/mile: 2.33
HR Max: 192 bpm
HR Avg: 184 bpm
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