Sunday, February 19, 2006

Work, Work, Work.....

Nothing worth posting has happened, because I have been at work every day since Monday. I found out Friday that I am one of the finalist for an assistant professor position at the University of Colorado School of Pharmacy, so keep your fingers crossed for me. Hopefully it will work out, it would be nice for Jennifer and I to both have faculty positions and it would also ensure that we stay in Denver for at least 7 more years, which would be great.
I have tomorrow off, so I will try to do something entertaining.....However, it is like a "cold butt naked in Alaska" in Denver. We have set record lows the past two days and the highs have been in the single digits. Yikes!!! To top it off the air pollution is horrible: the temperature inversion has left a pleasant cloud of smog over the Denver is almost thick enough to slice.


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