Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Deer Trail Road Race

A great day to race. I had a pretty good day on the bike, but in the end I was rewarded with a big fat DQ....which pretty much sucks. Not to mention all the flack I have caught for it. It is nice to have your name posted on the ACA website and Teton Forum.....although no one called me out specifically (probably because I didn't do anything wrong!) I was never told I was DQ'd and wasn't pulled from the race. I had to email Yvonne at ACA to even figure out what I did. She really couldn't even tell me but assumed it was a yellow line violation. I asked her if maybe they DQ'd the wrong number, but she didn't have an answer for that. Enough about that crap.....heres what happened in the race. A break went off early in the Cat 4 race. No one really wanted to chase it and the HART guys did a good job of blocking in the front to allow it. Over the next 2 laps to Agate I was able to get off the front a few times to help motivate the peloton to chase. We got way behind at times, but ended up catching the last man in the breakaway prior to the finish. My teammate Jeremy got a good lead-out from my other teammate Chaz for the final sprint. Jeremy finished in 6th place. Sounds a lot like Dugan and my finish 2 years ago. If you want to see what happened in the Cat 3 race read here.....


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